06 October 2017

Reminiscence of Childhood : Doodling in Class!

Bonjour peeps!  🌤
Today in class, we learned about Cognition. According to the lecture slides, "Cognition" refers to the process by which we become acquainted with things and how we gain knowledge. Meanwhile, Wikipedia defines Cognition as the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses. 
Cognition is viewed in three terms:-
1) How information is perceived (by perceptual processor)
2) How information is attended to
3) How information is processed and stored in the memory 
Cognition also encompasses attention and memory constraints. In this part, it is vitally important to have meaningful interfaces or icons for users to understand better and get the idea of its function easily. For this, we were challenged by Madam Siti Rokhmad to design our own icons on a piece of paper for the interface concepts below :-
1. A place to discard files
2.To open
3. To copy
4.A place to store files
Then, we were required to sketch the icons that we have created, on the whiteboard. All of the icons drawn were almost similar to one another but none of them looks exactly the same. Most of the icons were understandable and can be defined too! Nevertheless, there were also some icons that are confusing and not clear.

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